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Growing Together (GT) is an innovative initiative that embraces a holistic approach to discipleship and Bible Study. We recognize that discipleship involves not only theological growth but also psychological, familial, and relational aspects. At Word Of Life (WOL) Church Japan, we are committed to a practical discipleship journey where individuals not only deepen their understanding of God and His truth but also cultivate self-awareness and a mindful consideration of others. To commence this transformative discipleship process, we will be using the book listed below as a guiding resource. The Growing Together initiative will continue to evolve creatively in the future. Stay tuned for exciting developments! ... JOIN US! 

"Emotional health and spiritual maturity cannot be separated. It is not possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. When we ignore the emotional component of our lives, we move through the motions of Christian disciplines, activities, and behaviors, but deeply rooted behavioral patterns from our pasts continue to hinder  us from an authentic life and maturity in Christ. 

We often neglect to reflect on what is going on inside us and around us (emotional health) and are too busy to slow down to be with God (contemplative spirituality). As a result, we run the risk of remaining stuck as spiritual infants, failing to develop into spirituallly/emotionally mature adults in Christ." 

Excepts taken from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Workbook (pg 1-2) by Dr. Peter & Geri Scazzero. 

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